Friday, January 22, 2010


Main Entry: intention
Part of Speech: noun


aim, animus, design, designation, drift, end, hope, impulsion, motive, object, objective, plan, point, purpose, struggle
Notes: intent implies a sustained unbroken commitment or purpose, while intention would imply an intermittent resolution or an initial aim or plan

Okay so I'm not into New Year's resolutions, but I do have a list of things going in my head all the time, along with all my future travel plans of course, so I decided to jot a few things down with the intent that when I read it, it will remind me that it's one of the many things I want to work on. Then I can add or subtract as I go, because they are just an casual list of things I've been thinking about lately. I'm hopelessly behind on blogging, and then I decided what the hell? I'm stressing myself out over something that doesn't matter it's just for me anyway, so why stress about how to upload 400 pictures from the last 6 months? But for the record Blogger's uploader is ridiculous. So here's to my 26th year, may it be filled with life.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln

Anyway, this is just to start:

To read a book, in it's entirety - I have a half finished one waiting
To participate in more design competitions - two down 1 to start
To start taking the ARE - harumph.
To become LEED GA and eventually AP - more studying :/
To see at least one of the EAE buildings on my list, see this post
To start practicing French, even if it's only with my dogs at first.
To get fit - I'm loving YOGA right now!
To learn Euskara - that's going to be a tough one seeing as I can barely pronounce my family name.
To design some type of art for my house - painting, building, or something cool.
To pay off my last credit card!
To blog - just for me not anyone else, and when I get behind it's cool - because who cares?
To start planning out my own organice garden, avec permaculture and complete with compost pile.
To raise chickens and possibly yeah... strange I know
To stop crossing my legs when I sit - it's bad for your posture you know?
To volunteer at an animal rescue.
To buy supplies to set up a photography set in the basement.
To enjoy.


Dana said...

I care. If you update your blog. Good post.

Kateka said...

When you have your garden and compost pile all set up, I'd really like to see it. Like physically see it. Not just through the blogosphere (though that would be nice too).

I hope to ENJOY more this year too. And to put more life into my days. Good post!

Danielle said...

I love this post. And I love you.

Tamara with a "T" said...

I love your reminded me that I really need to learn Spanish. Thanks.