Tuesday, January 26, 2010

and so it begins

So this weekend was quite productive as far my list goes, I've crossed one item off and also added a few. We visited Las Vegas with a few friends and my sis, and had a great time. I've also received a few suggestions as far as some of the other items goes, as well. I'm meeting with a new group to begin design competition for a Holocaust Memorial tonight, see details here and look forward to what that has to offer.

To read a book in its entirety. I finished it! Now on to the next book... any suggestions?
To participate in more design competitions - two down 1 to start
To start taking the ARE - harumph.
To become LEED GA and eventually AP - more studying :/
To see at least one of the EAE buildings on my list, see this post
To start practicing French, even if it's only with my dogs at first.
To get fit - I'm loving YOGA right now!
To learn Euskara - that's going to be a tough one seeing as I can barely pronounce my family name.
To design some type of art for my house - painting, building, or something cool.
To pay off my last credit card!
To blog - just for me not anyone else, and when I get behind it's cool - because who cares?
To start planning out my own organice garden, avec permaculture and complete with compost pile.
To raise chickens and possibly bees....um... yeah... strange I know
To stop crossing my legs when I sit - it's bad for your posture you know?
To volunteer at an animal rescue.
To buy supplies to set up a photography studio in the basement.
To enjoy.
To make my first bottle of wine - egunsenti vintners
To start learning to play the bass.
To travel anywhere and everywhere I have the opportunity.

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