Wednesday, November 12, 2008

catchin' up

I've gotten caught up in all the political issues lately because they are really important to me. However I have been doing some other stuff lately so I thought it was time to catch up! Our friends Jess and Jason had a new baby boy! His name is Justin, and he has one of the cutest little dimples that I've ever seen!

I texted Jess at 8 AM and she said I could come visit but she was only dialated to a 4 so I figured 'man they've got plenty of time!' So I arrive at the hospital at 10:30 and when I walked in Jess's sister told me he had just arrived! Talk about perfect timing!

Mike went hunting for the weekend, so my sister and I took the 'FUN BUS' to Wendover for the night!
We had to kill some time so we ate a second dinner at 11PM and then walked the entire 'strip' back to Montego Bay.

This was supposed to be my stripper pose straddling the UT/NV border but, Jackie O got in the way.
We still had two hours before the bus came to take us home, but being the frugal gamblers that we are, we survived on $20 bucks between the two of us, ate two meals, and drank 'free' drinks all night! Never the less by midnight we were beat! But we made it until 2AM and rode the bus home!

This was just a pretty sunrise one morning!


Danielle said...

Oh, Jackie-O...always getting in the way...and staring at me...she's creepy.

Jessica and Jason's baby is so so cute!

Kateka said...

Love the pose. Maybe there was a little stripper in Jackie O just waiting to pose.