Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ivory Homes Revisited

In response the the ominous 'anonymous' comment on my last Ivory Homes post, yes the home I show is 'garage like' and what homes do you see all over the valley? The ugly garage homes. Yes they are a 'top home builder' of homes with no value to their community or their location. I would venture to say that a 'top home builder' in Utah does NOT mean much, we are behind the times in nearly everything, politics, fashion, design, and yes architecture. So awesome they deserve a star. Now it's time for everyone to wake up and start building and designing communities that we use and love, like the Pierpont area, Marmalade District, Sugarhouse, Avenues, and even Daybreak. Just because Ivory Homes builds the most homes, does not make them the 'top home builder' in my book. That's why the areas that the majority of their neighborhoods are built have no identity, and people leave those areas to shop, go to school, etc. EVERY Ivory Homes neighborhood looks THE EXACT SAME! Maybe open your eyes, 'Anonymous', I know it's hard to do when you live in the 'Utah Bubble.'

P.S. Yeah I saw the Ivory Homes is 'arguably the best home builder in Utah' quote too, according to who? Just because they build a lot of homes as in numbers and they are good business people, does not mean they are 'the best' or 'the top' home builder, look at Wal Mart, need I say more? Since I have a magic tool that allows me to see that you yourself are from Ivory Homes, I would say that you are biased.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Ivory Homes is all about the bottom line...not about sustainable design or designing to create strong community identities. Go away Ivory Homes.