Tuesday, June 30, 2009

st. lucia

Okay so I know I've called the past four islands all beautiful, but they are and this one almost tops the list, hell even Oprah vacations here, it's so pretty. Okay so I was a little naive when I booked the shore excursion here, but when it said "The world's only drive-in volcano," I imagined driving in this mysterious vehicle through the jungle to tippy top of the mouth of volcano where magma and lava ooze and boil. It wasn't. don't get me wrong it was cool, but if you've been to Yellostone, which I have, it's doesn't seem quite so impressive. Maybe it was the gusts of rotten egg swallows your breath, so disgusting that you can taste it through your nose AND your mouth. Yes it really was that bad, but beautiful!

We stopped for a photo op at a look out point and this amazing basket weaver was there selling baskets, he sold all of them and in my traditional form of waiting until the last minute, as the van was leaving I asked him how long it would take to make another basket. Before the words had come out of my mouth, he was already weaving, and I'm not kidding, he answered with, "Don't you worry baby, this basket will be finished before your tour leaves, and if they try I will hop on and walk back after I finish." Within minutes my basket was finished! It was truly amazing, and an awesome souvenir, which by the way I had to sneak through security... oops.

Sulphur Springs, the water was not nearly as stinky as the collapse volcano with oozing nauseous gases and it's supposed to be really great for your skin, the problem was it was about 100 degrees and too hot for me. This guy was one of 3 to get all the way in from our group.

This was the last stop on the tour, and for $5 who could resist this?! Fresh off the grill chicken, seasoned crab cakes, and fried sweet bread... mmmm... my mouth is watering...

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