Monday, June 29, 2009


Dominica (which is not DOM-in-ica btw, it's DOM-in-EEKA, which I learned by saying the former and being corrected) was beautiful! It was not a favorite of some, but it was one of our favorites, it was so relaxed and had an amazing diverse landscape. We took a tour to Trafalgar Falls and the Emerald pools, with a few stops along the way. We had the most amazing tour guide, that knew thousands of facts about the island, its history, animal & plant life, and everything else!

Trafalgar Falls, as we were hiking up to the falls, a monsoon rainstorm hit out of nowhere!

Our tour guide, and a land crab.

This was a brand new bus that had been delivered to the island and then crushed by a tree the next day, during a hurricane.
The oldest tree on Dominica, 108 years!
Dominica was used during the slave trade and much of the infrastructure that was built during that time is still there, in the photo above this was the building where the slaves were held, and below is where they were auctioned.

This was one of our stops along the way Mr. Nice's fruit stand, here we sampled a variety of fresh fruit, including coconut, pineapple, mango, and cocoa beans (below) which were really interesting; gooey and sweet, for those of you that are interested.

Words to live by...

The Emerald Pools are named after the way the light comes down through the canopy of trees.

This was also our first formal night, Mike's favorite ;)

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