Friday, January 30, 2009

january cap off

So it's been a busy month! School started again, we had family come and visit, I became addicted to Rock Band and wii, you know all important stuff. Plus we added a new little guy to ou house, and he's been terrorizing it ever since! We did FINALLY name him, Tucker, and he's sooo cute I can't believe it. So going backwards through the month, my friend Jamie and I drove on a whim to Yerington, a little ol' town in Nevada about 8 hours away with about an hours notice on a Sunday. It was spur of the moment to say the least, but it was fun to have company and we just chatted the whole way there and back!

This is a mine in the even littler town of Weed Heights, the name says it all. Anyhow the mine was shut down 30 or 40 years ago, and it just keeps filling up with crystal blue water, they estimate it to be about 600 feet deep.... I think that was it, Jamie correct me if I'm wrong:)

This is my new little man... he's just so cute.

Mike would not be so happy if he knew this photo was on here, but here he is with the new puppy, squinty eyes and all (that's that part he dislikes) but I think he's cute cute regardless.

This is Danielle entering into a contract for 'services' with Justin, he's looks very intrigued.
We had a site visit in Springdale, UT which right at the mouth of Zion Canyon, this is the whole crew.
Jack was baptized too, although it was quite an exhausting experience for him, he barely made it through the ten minutes awake.

As I mentioned before we had our family come visit for a few days from California, we snowboarded, ate lots of food, and played wii and Rock Band. It was fun. Now it's our turn to go visit them!

This is our snowboarding crew!


Jamie said...

I believe it was 600 feet. I believe Weed Heights is the smallest town I've seen yet.

Oh little Tucker-gus is so cute! I know I'm commenting on every single post. Sorry.

I like the color of green you painted your walls. (I know that is so random but we're in the process of picking paint colors..)

Jenna Johnson said...

To go along with the wii I think you needed to post a picture of your mom with he little person she made!