Wednesday, October 22, 2008

moab '08

It's become a tradition for us to go to fourwheeling in Moab at LEAST once a year.... and the battle I must face nearly every weekend we don't have already have something planned is convincing Mike we don't HAVE to go fourwheeling. Oh man. Anyhow it's become a Johnson Family tradition, and in fact the first time Mike and I got to know each other was my first trip to Moab in the Spring of 2002. I'll try to pull out that vintage photo someday.


don't worry Easton thinks he's smiling, he's not possessed though, really don't worry.

Sand Angels

Gracie and I got married, twice actually with glass rings she stole from the counter display. I picked out our marriage shades.

Only Only in Utah does someone cut off the front of a geo metro, plexi the front, and make a trailer out of it. Only in Utah.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

bahahahha Geo Metro!!! I only wish I was there to witness that masterpiece!